The constitution of the Group
G.I.P.R.I. srl - Gruppo Italiano Progettazioni e Realizzazioni Industriali is an entity constituted in 2018 operating in the Oil & Gas field, as well as in the Petrochemical, Power, besides the one of the renewable energies. Going along with the changes of its pertaining market, and trying indeed to foresee the developments, G.I.P.R.I. can promptly react to the updated needs of its Clients, all primary companies of the sector.

Will, ability and skills to promote and organize one or more companies with a specific economic goal.
360 degree services
G.I.P.R.I., thanks to the know-how of its technicians and to the cooperation with international companies detaining specific processes and licenses, shows up as sole interlocutor who can handle by itself projects concerning the above mentioned technologies, following the Client from the phase of the design of the idea and relevant plant, through its realization and start-up. G.I.P.R.I. can also offer maintenance and after market services.

A close set with a common goal.
Our Mission
G.I.P.R.I., even though being a Newco, originates from the 30 years experience of several companies (and their related managers) operating in the same sector with the role of Engineering & Project Management Company, Fabricator of semifinished and finished products and Supplier of equipment and materials of various kind.
These players decided to create a new Group, by following the mentioned evolution that involved the market in the last years, with particular reference to the Oil&Gas. G.I.P.R.I. is therefore a company capable to customize the projects according to the Client who, due to the complexity and transformations of the market, needs nowadays more and more to be leaded step by step until the desired product/service.

3 good reasons to rely on us
We have been operating in Oil&Gas, Petrochemical and Power sectors from 30 years.
You will have at your service a team of specialists, in all the phases of the project.
You will have a single interlocutor from the planning to the start-up of the plant.
G.I.P.R.I. srl has developed a Quality Management System certified according to
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, in order to ensure the quality of the products and services provided, with the aim of satisfying the customers' expectations and
continuously improve performances, in order to consolidate the company image in its reference market. Find out more about our Quality Policy.
Contact us for more information or offers
We will reply in 24 hours
Headquarters G.I.P.R.I. srl
V. G. March 14/A, 57121 Livorno
Cap. Soc. € 50.000,00
R.E.A. Livorno n. 206066
C.F./P.I. 01889700496
Tel. +39 0586 426547
Fax +39 0586 407512